However, he would soon lose his way, merge with the Elder serpent, and believe he could feed and grow until one day he could consume Elden Ring’s Outer Gods. He would even defend his forces against the armies of Leyndell, earning him much respect among his people. He instead turned against the Golden Order and the Greater Will, drawing in tons of followers with his charismatic righteousness.

Rykard would go to become one of the Shardbearers, but he chose not to seek the other Great Runes like his allies. He is the son of Radagon and Rennala, and he at least had some knowledge about the Night of Black Knives as Ranni gave him traces of the Rune of Death (and many assume his role was much larger).

Gelmir’s Elder Serpent, he was human before that. While players will meet Rykard after he has become one with Mt. First, it must be addressed that Rykard is not all he seems.